Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Two Assistants

It has been a good week. On Wednesday, in light mist, I left the house at 9:00 a.m. with my two assistants, Clark and Phil. We had to be in Tacoma by 10:00. The Fragile X Association of Washington State was asked, along with a few other organizations, to set up a booth at a Tacoma Housing Authority project. The property manager has a son with fragile X and she wanted us there. There was a ribbon cutting for the second phase of a large housing development, Salishan. One of our U.S. senators, Patty Murray, spoke, as did Norm Dicks, a representative. I like taking Clark and Phil with me since they are always helpful in carrying “stuff” for our display. We were there almost four hours talking to a few people who stopped by. Clark and Phil spent most of the time sitting behind the table being agreeable. That is not always the case, like this morning. We picked up a woman for church whose husband is in the National Guard. He was gone this weekend so she needed a ride. On the way home there was much arguing coming from the back seat. “Don’t say that Philip. I’m telling Bishop McCann.” Laughter from Philip. “I’m telling.” More laughter. I can’t even remember what started it. Our rider thought it was funny but I wanted them to stop. I am sure when Paul and I are ninety and going to church the conversation will sound much the same from the backseat passengers who will then be sixty-six and sixty. Now that is a sight that makes me want to laugh.

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